"Theia, Theia, dragged amid the mires of earth and cast and supped; cast unto Rome's own and supped by Rome; she lieth stripped and broken like the blooms that marked the feast and fell, a foot-cloth for the drunkened. Hark thee, Panda! "Tis Theia who loveth much. The Theia who holdeth hate, for hate hath been her gift, doth flutter up from out the filth and rise like white mist of the early morn that flees the sordid earth. Yea, and Panda, this, the white-mist Theia, is the Theia of him who sleepeth yonder.

"Rome, and gods of Rome, shall fall into the hands of them she hath cast to earth, broken vessels of the feasting! This God, Jehovah, shall build back the break and offer unto earth and Rome a cup of bitters; Yea, offer unto Rome the cup she broke at ribaldry. And from out Rome's nobles shall one, the hate born, be set up through ages, the puppet for earth's mockery. Yea, and though ages roll them o'er to blot the stain, it still shall stand; for but Theia holdeth power. And time and time shall pass, and when it ripeth, then shall Theia wipe away the crimson brand! Yea, and hark, Panda! When the time is ripe, the earth shall stand full, yea, full of crime and crimson shall run and bath her sides. And it shall be that Theia, then shall reach through time and ages and wipe the stain away. Yea Panda, and Theia's words, spoken here without the walls of Bethlehem, shall harken unto this time and comforting shall fall to crimed; yea, and crimson shall dry.

"Yea, and earth's men shall speak much of this, and Theia's dust shall dance before the tabernacles and stop the tongues of them. Theia shall wring from earth's heart the every drop of Rome's wrong-shed blood.
Within these words, I think, may be the motivation for Patience Worth, especially if one agrees that Patience Worth could be a past life personality of Pearl Curran. If Patience/Pearl is the white-mist Theia, then Theia lives again---come to earth to fulfull her prophecy.
It is my hope that the stories, poetry, communications and other "songs" of Patience Worth will not be forgotten over time. Regardless of their means of delivery and other circumstances surrounding them, I think that there is a message in them---in all of them taken together---for us today! It is there to hear, if only we will listen.
Your friend,
Amos Oliver Doyle
Post Script:
E-mail: AmosDoyle@AOL.com